Cancellation Request Form
We’re sorry you’re thinking of leaving us. If you’d like to cancel your policy, please complete all details below and click submit. When we receive your request, our team will process the cancellation of your policy.
If you request the cancellation to be effective from a Saturday, Sunday or a bank holiday, we will process it the next business day. We will write to you to confirm when this is complete.
You can find details of our refund policy and cancellation charges in the Terms of Business Agreement. If you’ve made a claim during the policy term and the insurer hasn’t recovered their costs, there will be no refund and we’ll ask you to pay the full premium.
Important – Only the policyholder is authorised to cancel the policy. If any information you provide doesn’t match the policy details that we hold on file for you, we will not be able to process the cancellation. We will write to you requesting you to call us to discuss.